

Callbacks are a set of functions that can be called at specific stages during training. Users can access the internal state of the agent during training through callbacks. It allows users to monitor the training process, automatically save models, customize stopping conditions and more. In OpenRL, we have built-in some commonly used callbacks, and users can also customize their own callbacks according to their needs (Customize and Register Callback). In OpenRL, all callbacks can be configured using YAML files. The usage of all callbacks can be found in examples/cartpole .

Built-in Callbacks

Here are some commonly used callbacks provided by OpenRL, which can be combined for use:


CheckpointCallback is a callback that saves the model every save_freq steps. In addition, users need to specify a model save path save_path, and can also specify the prefix of the saved model name through name_prefix (by default it is set to “rl_model”). Here’s an example of using CheckpointCallback with a YAML file:

  - id: "CheckpointCallback"
  args: {
      "save_freq": 500, # how often to save the model
      "save_path": "./results/checkpoints/",  # where to save the model
      "name_prefix": "ppo", # the prefix of the saved model


EvalCallback is a callback used to periodically evaluate the performance of a model. It evaluates the agent’s performance in an independent testing environment. Users can specify the path to save the best model by setting best_model_save_path, and specify the log saving path by setting log_path. Here is an example of using EvalCallback through a YAML file:

  - id: "EvalCallback"
  args: {
      "eval_env": { "id": "CartPole-v1","env_num": 5 }, # how many envs to set up for evaluation
      "n_eval_episodes": 5, # how many episodes to run for each evaluation
      "eval_freq": 500, # how often to run evaluation
      "log_path": "./results/eval_log_path", # where to save the evaluation results
      "best_model_save_path": "./results/best_model/", # where to save the best model
      "deterministic": True, # whether to use deterministic action
      "render": False, # whether to render the env
      "asynchronous": True, # whether to run evaluation asynchronously


When users want the model to automatically stop training when it reaches a certain level of performance, they can use this callback. Users can set the reward_threshold to specify the reward threshold. When the reward reaches this threshold after model evaluation, training will automatically stop. It is worth noting that StopTrainingOnRewardThreshold needs to be used together with EvalCallback, as it needs to obtain the reward value through evaluation. Here is an example of using StopTrainingOnRewardThreshold through a YAML file:

  - id: "EvalCallback"
  args: {
      "eval_env": { "id": "CartPole-v1","env_num": 5 }, # how many envs to set up for evaluation
      "n_eval_episodes": 5, # how many episodes to run for each evaluation
      "eval_freq": 500, # how often to run evaluation
      "log_path": "./results/eval_log_path", # where to save the evaluation results
      "best_model_save_path": "./results/best_model/", # where to save the best model
      "deterministic": True, # whether to use deterministic action
      "render": False, # whether to render the env
      "asynchronous": True, # whether to run evaluation asynchronously
      "stop_logic": "OR", # the logic to stop training, OR means training stops when any one of the conditions is met, AND means training stops when all conditions are met
      "callbacks_on_new_best": [
          id: "StopTrainingOnRewardThreshold",
          args: {
            "reward_threshold": 100, # the reward threshold to stop training
        } ],


When users want to stop training when the model performance no longer improves, they can use this callback. The training will automatically stop when the model has not improved in max_no_improvement_evals evaluations. The min_evals parameter specifies how many evaluations need to be performed before determining whether to stop training or not. Here is an example of using StopTrainingOnNoModelImprovement through a YAML file:

  - id: "EvalCallback"
  args: {
      "eval_env": { "id": "CartPole-v1","env_num": 5 }, # how many envs to set up for evaluation
      "n_eval_episodes": 5, # how many episodes to run for each evaluation
      "eval_freq": 500, # how often to run evaluation
      "log_path": "./results/eval_log_path", # where to save the evaluation results
      "best_model_save_path": "./results/best_model/", # where to save the best model
      "deterministic": True, # whether to use deterministic action
      "render": False, # whether to render the env
      "asynchronous": True, # whether to run evaluation asynchronously
      "stop_logic": "OR", # the logic to stop training, OR means training stops when any one of the conditions is met, AND means training stops when all conditions are met
      "callbacks_after_eval": [
          id: "StopTrainingOnNoModelImprovement",
          args: {
            "max_no_improvement_evals": 5, # Maximum number of consecutive evaluations without a new best model.
            "min_evals": 3, # Number of evaluations before start to count evaluations without improvements.


This callback is used to trigger other callbacks every n_steps steps. Users only need to specify the callbacks that need to be triggered through the callbacks parameter. For example, users can save the model every n_steps steps. You can also customize other callbacks (Customize and Register Callback) to meet your own needs and register them yourself. Here is an example of using EveryNTimesteps in a YAML file to periodically save models:

  - id: "EveryNTimesteps" # This is same to "CheckpointCallback"
  args: {
      "n_steps": 5000,
          "id": "CheckpointCallback",
          args: {
            "save_freq": 1,
            "save_path": "./results/checkpoints_with_EveryNTimesteps/",  # where to save the model
            "name_prefix": "ppo", # the prefix of the saved model


This callback is used to display the training progress bar, which can show the current progress, elapsed time and estimated remaining time. Here is an example of using ProgressBarCallback through a YAML file:

  - id: "ProgressBarCallback"


When using this callback, the total_time_steps setting of agent.train can be ignored. Training will stop when each environment has run for the specified number of max_episodes. Here is an example of using StopTrainingOnMaxEpisodes through a YAML file:

  - id: "StopTrainingOnMaxEpisodes"
  args: {
      "max_episodes": 5, # the max number of episodes to run

Customize and Register Callback

The callbacks mentioned above can be combined for use. For example, if a user wants to use both ProgressBarCallback and StopTrainingOnMaxEpisodes at the same time, it can be achieved through the following method:

  - id: "ProgressBarCallback"
  - id: "StopTrainingOnMaxEpisodes"
    args: {
      "max_episodes": 5, # the max number of episodes to run

In addition, users can implement their own callbacks by inheriting from BaseCallback or EventCallback, and the specific implementation method can refer to the implementation of other callbacks: callbacks examples.

After implementing their own callback, users need to register it through CallbackFactory, and then they can use their own callback through YAML files:

from openrl.utils.callbacks import CallbackFactory
from openrl.utils.callbacks.callbacks import BaseCallback

# custom callback
class MyCustomCallback(BaseCallback):
    def _on_step(self) -> bool:
        print("Number of calls: ",self.n_calls)
        return True

# register custom callback
CallbackFactory.register("MyCustomCallback", MyCustomCallback)

Then your can call it in the YAML file:

  - id: "MyCustomCallback"
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