
Self-Play Training

OpenRL is one of the reinforcement learning frameworks that support self-play training. Self-play involves more complex algorithms and interaction processes, which pose higher demands on the framework’s design and implementation. OpenRL simplifies self-play training and algorithm implementation by using callback designs and abstracting and modularizing various components.

Users can get started with self-play training by using the self-play example we provide, which can be found in examples/self_play.

Performing Self-Play Training with OpenRL

Before starting self-play training, you need to install the dependencies related to self-play training. You can do this with the following command:

pip install "openrl[selfplay]"

In the OpenRL framework, the entry code for self-play training is the same as non-self-play training. Most of the self-play configuration is done through a YAML file. Below is an example of our training code:

import numpy as np
import torch
from openrl.configs.config import create_config_parser
from openrl.envs.common import make
from openrl.envs.wrappers import FlattenObservation
from openrl.modules.common import PPONet as Net
from openrl.runners.common import PPOAgent as Agent
from openrl.selfplay.wrappers.opponent_pool_wrapper import OpponentPoolWrapper
from openrl.selfplay.wrappers.random_opponent_wrapper import RandomOpponentWrapper

def train():
    cfg_parser = create_config_parser()
    cfg = cfg_parser.parse_args(["--config", "selfplay.yaml"])
    # Create environment
    env = make(
    # Create agent
    agent = Agent(Net(env, cfg=cfg))
    # Begin training

In this example, we use the tictactoe_v3 environment from PettingZoo as our training environment.

For self-play training, we use the OpponentPoolWrapper to wrap the environment. This wrapper selects an opponent for each episode’s reset based on the opponent selection strategy. To configure the opponent selection strategy, we need to use a YAML file. In this example, we use the selfplay.yaml configuration file, which contains the following content:

  selfplay_api_port: 10086

seed: 0
  host: {{ selfplay_api_host }}
  port: {{ selfplay_api_port }}
lazy_load_opponent: true # if true, when the opponents are the same opponent_type, will only load the weight. Otherwise, will load the python script.
  - id: "SelfplayAPI"
    args: {
        host: {{ selfplay_api_host }},
        port: {{ selfplay_api_port }},
        sample_strategy: "RandomOpponent",
  - id: "SelfplayCallback"
    args: {
        "save_freq": 100, # how often to save the model
        "opponent_pool_path": "./opponent_pool/",  # where to save opponents
        "name_prefix": "opponent", # the prefix of the saved model
        "api_address": "http://{{ selfplay_api_host }}:{{ selfplay_api_port }}/selfplay/",
        "opponent_template": "./opponent_templates/tictactoe_opponent",
        "clear_past_opponents": true,
        "copy_script_file": false,
         "verbose": 2,

Since most of our self-play configurations are defined in the YAML file, understanding the content of the YAML file is crucial.

First, our YAML configuration supports global variables. You can define global variables under globals, and then use them elsewhere with {{ variable_name }}. Since we use selfplay_api_host and selfplay_api_port multiple times, we define them as global variables.

Next, we configure the selfplay_api section, which is used to set up the self-play API. Users can specify the API’s address and port using host and port. Different environments use this API for opponent querying and selection.

Then, the lazy_load_opponent parameter. If lazy_load_opponent is set to true, when a new opponent of the same opponent_type is sampled (using the same python script as the previous opponent), we will only load the opponent’s neural network weights instead of the entire python script. When lazy_load_opponent is set to false, we will load the opponent’s python script, ensuring that the opponent’s script is up-to-date, but this increases the loading time, which is generally unnecessary.

Next, we configure two callbacks, SelfplayAPI and SelfplayCallback.

SelfplayAPI is a callback used to start the self-play API. It starts the self-play API when training begins and closes it when training ends. We need to specify the sample_strategy parameter, which is used to specify the opponent sampling strategy. We have abstracted and modularized the sampling strategy, and users can refer to here to implement their own opponent sampling strategy.

SelfplayCallback is a callback used to save opponents periodically. It saves opponents every save_freq steps in the directory specified by opponent_pool_path. We also specify the opponent_template parameter, which is used to specify the template for the opponent’s python script. We generate the opponent’s python script based on the opponent_template. If copy_script_file is set to true, we directly copy all python files from opponent_template to the new opponent’s directory. Otherwise, we create symbolic links to all python files from opponent_template in the new opponent’s directory. Generally, we set copy_script_file to false to save disk space and meet most requirements.

Regarding the opponent template, you can refer to here. Each opponent template must contain at least two files: a json file info.json that describes the opponent’s type and detailed information, and a python file that implements an opponent class to handle observation inputs and actions.

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